Hi, Iā€™m Yael Japha Trainer.

I have been on the move since I was born. I express all of myself - my thoughts, my goals, my sadness, my joy - through moving my body. I was a dancer by practice from 2 years old until I turned 30.  At 25 I moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina where my journey with Pilates began. In 2009, when I returned home to Denver I joined Pilates Aligned as a teacher while training for my certification through The Pilates Center of Boulder. During my first teaching years I graduated from the Kathy Grant Heritage Training under Cara Reeser. Additionally, I became certified to teach children. In the years following I managed and owned a number of different Pilates studios. Through all my years in different Pilates environments, I resolved that the best way for me to be able to deliver the full experience of my expert knowledge to my clients is to have an independent studio practice. A place where I can fully integrate all the different areas and concepts of a pilates practice to provide a truly individual and tailored program.